PRivaCY Wallets

Desktop Wallets

Below you will find the most recent version of our wallets. For updates, please subscribe to the Telegram Update channel.

Latest Stable Version

PRivaCY Wallet for Windows 10

Win 64bitHow to install

 PRivaCY Wallet for Linux aarch64

Get yours here

 PRivaCY Wallet for Linux x86

Ubuntu 18.04+AppImage

Other PRivaCY Wallets

Unsupported versions

PRivaCY Wallet for Mac

Mojave and higher

PRivaCY Wallet for Raspberry Pi

Arm 32 – Aarch 64

Web Wallet

Use the web version of our wallet. It is mobile friendly so you can easily access through your phone from anywhere. *

Mobile Wallets

If you Stake or run a Masternode, please note that due to the the number of UTXOs/rewards, it could take a long time to load these wallets on mobile.
We strongly recommend creating a new wallet and sending your spendable amount for easier usage and faster syncing.

Mobile Web Wallet

SWFT Blockchain

or get latest version here

Native Mobile Wallet

SWFT Blockchain

Wrapped PRivaCY Coin Wallets

Own Wrapped PRCY (bPRCY/pPRCY/tPRCY/wPRCY) tokens? You can store them on the following wallets:
A "How To" guide is available in our Knowledge Base

*Our Web Wallet intellectual property has been registered by Protect My Work.

Reference Number: 14731040621S028
Password: souveter45